My life colorful like a RAINBOW. I've found the love of my life less than 2 years and now i'm happily married and i'm a mother to a cute baby boy ever Kanda Qalish bin Mohd Lot. Live life to the fullest!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I just got ROBBED!
30th December 2010 is my bad & scariest day of my life.
Ok, the stories is like this...
After work I planned to watch Luth friendly match at Stadium Cheras.
After that game we planned to watch midnight movie, and luth asked me to buy a shirt and pants so that he can change after game. After work I went to Sogo to buy his stuff.
Then around 8pm I reach Stadium Cheras, where located just in front of HUKM.
I park my car in front of KFC and there's a lot of people. But then the thing happened so fast.
Just after I park the car, these rempit punch my car's window and took my bag.
He and his friend didnt wear so-called the helmet, so YES I DO RECOGNIZE HIS FACE.
But then I was still in shock and my head bleed, I cant recognize his motorcycle & the plat no.
Thank god my bb still in my hand, but my nokia is in my beg where I save all important number in it.
So I only have a few number, but no one pick up my calls.
I bbm-ing my RC's group and asked for help. They called me straightly.
But yet they took awhile cause they're from somewhere.
I drove to find nearest police station by myself, and menggigil like crazy.
I took 30 minutes to find the police station I still couldnt find, cause my mind is block by shock.
End up I stopped at these Carwash at Bandar Tasik Permaisuri and these group of boys help me.
They calm me down, I almost fainted. They called the policeman and clean up my car.
Police came and bring me to police station. Then UT and Apip came.
After I made the report they asked me to go to Balai Pudu to see their Pegawai,
The reason why is because if they catch these guys I can go for "kawat cam" cause I do remember their faces. UT bring me back and now Im still in shock. Their faces always in my mind.
I still can hear the glasses broken and all the incident.
YA ALLAH give me the strenght to be strong again.
To everyone who concerned, keep on msg-ing, tweet & called THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
To my brothers UT, APIP, YUZRAND, JAWER, WAK, BIBIR, JOE and the rest of RC's, I cant imagine I faced this situation alone, BIG THANKS TO YOU GUYS!
And to both rempits, dunia ini bulat, what goes around comes around, KARMA will hit you worst than you hit my car's window and my life. ALLAH itu maha besar. And the sad-est part is, these guys are malay. And still young, their age I think around 18-21 years old.
I took it as a ujian dari-NYA. Maybe KARMA from my previous mistakes just hit me. Alhamdulillah im alive. Ini semua pengajaran, so to all my dear ladies please be extra careful, dont put your handbag in passenger's seat. Put it somewhere where no one can see.
Should I keep it long or chop off?
Should I or shouldn't I?
Only you knows everything about me.
Only you and forever you.
You is one and last.
Please dont change.
You're the best guy I've ever met.
You know who you are.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Public Holiday
Dear all employees,
As all of you are aware, our Prime Minister of Malaysia YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib declared 31st December 2010 (tomorrow) as a public holiday for Malaysia in conjunction with Malaysia’s victory in AFF Suzuki Cup.
In view of the opening of the Terminal Bersepadu Selatan(TBS) on 1st January 2011 , we will not be able to observe 31st December 2010 as public holiday. As such, the Company has decided to substitute the public holiday with 3rd January 2011 (Monday).
The following table summarizes the working calendar :
Date (Day) | Maju Calendar |
31st December 2010 (Friday) | Normal working day |
3rd January 2011 (Monday) | Public Holiday |
If you have any queries, please consult your respective HR Division.
We wish you Happy New Year and see you at the TBS on 1st January 2011.
Budak "kicik"
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I heart you even more :* |
AF8 I rapat sangat dengan semua especially Farina & Budak kecik Adira.
Of course Adira the closest la sebab dia sampai final kan ;)
Dari awal I dah nampak budak kicik ni mempunyai bakat yang wow!
And I guess im not wrong, she proved to everyone.
Walaupun dalam bilik, dalam class & all the activities perangai dia macam budak budak but when it comes to performance she will act like a DIVA,
jangan salah sangka bukan diva macam bagus
but she looks professional.
She have the stage aura, and her voice sangatlah tinggi,
key paling tinggi just give it to her.
Budak kicik ni walaupun budak lagi but her attitude sangat bagus,
she's very independence & strong.
Susah nak nangis and tak pernah give up,
semua task yang diberikan she will take it positively.
She remind me of cartoon character & Japanese chicks. Know why?
sebab perangai dia ni sangatlah kelakar,
kalau korang tengok cerita Jepun yang ada watak perempuan yang comel comel tu,
haaa macam tu lah dia.
Pagi pagi nak pergi mandi sepanjang perjalanan tutup mata and sampai sink terus letak muka and konon konon tidur balik. Sumpah cartoon! Hehehe :D I miss you budak kicik!
Everytime I sedih she always there for me, teman me and
makan mee sedap & minum oldtown white coffee hazelnut sama sama EVERYSINGLEDAY ok! :))
Senang jaga budak kicik ni, kejut pagi senang bangun, positive thinker, kelakar & manja.
Everytime konsert penyingkiran, sebelum pergi dewan she will hug me and kiss me and pesan jangan menangis if she tersingkir :) but I know whe wont,
because she have a huge fan!
Even ramai judges like her voice.
3 months we've been through everything ups and down together,
and when on final day I did cried.
You know why, cause after this there's no more
Mee Sedap & Oldtown White Coffee session dah,
But budak kicik, I'm proud of you! Take care & I will always misses you.
Kak Seena janji when both of us free, Kak Seena bawak budak kicik
jalan jalan ok dengan Abg Luth :)
Nak tengok Abg Luth berlari lari tengah padang kan? One day ok!
Good Luck for Juara Lagu, jangan jerit banyak banyak jaga suara okeyh! *HUGSKISSES*
P/s : I akan blog pasal adik adik AF bila ada masa terluang ok! every each of them have their own unique style :) I miss them so so much!
Love, Kak Seena.
Congratulations young TIGERS!
i'm so proud of y'all achievement!
Please maintain your performance boys,
this is the beginning of your journey.
Public Holiday tomorrow (Friday).
Felda United won friendly match vs kelantan 4-0, Congrats my dear.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Harimau Malaya!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Come on, this is so not me and I know I dont belong here.
LISTEN! I asked the same freaking thing everyday,
and because of someone's shit you put the blame on me.
The day he gave me his heart & forever mine :) |
Saturday, December 25, 2010
HoHoHoHoliday ;)
Theres nothing much to say, it was last minute plan yet everything went smoothly.
On Saturday I had a really bad PMS day, with EVERYTHING especially work.
So Luth decided to bring me to somewhere to cheer me up.
Friday night he said he wanted to bring me to PD,
The Legend International Water Homes.
It was last minute so when we called for make a reservation
they said the place is fully booked ;( I really want to go there,
the place is quite nice and every room have a private swimming pool. cool meh!
Tungguuuuu! very soon we will book the place for us,
or maybe for our pre-wed photog :)
Of course not just us, we plan to invite Wan & Boii to join us.
Since the plan to PD canceled I plan just to go to Ikea to get my fav swedish meatballs ;)
And on Saturday morning - NOT! HAHA!
Luth's morning is actually 12pm, he said lets go to Sungai Gabai!
Since I pun tak pernah pergi Sg Gabai so OK LETS GO!
FYI, Im not a big fan for bermandi mandi di sungai.
I sedikit takut mandi dekat sungai sungai ni, I prefer pergi pulau dari sungai sungai ni.
But since I was born theres a few sungai I dah pernah pergi termasuk
Gunung Ledang, Sg Congkak & Sg Tekala ;)
Luth terus plan with Wan & Boii, they ON with the plan. Hee Im so excited!
We had our lunch at Ikea first and I bought 1 dozen Ikea curry puff for our picnic.
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SEDAP! Enuff said ;) |
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Ikea Curry Puff |
Not a big fan lah konon kannnn! sampai sana macam dah naik syeikhh lah pulakkkk!
Ada batu batu yang boleh jadi slides ala ala dekat Sunway Lagoon, jakun kejap!
Luth, Wan & Boii dah macam macam aksi dah, most of the time I snap their picca.
I had soooo much fun, like seriously I never thought I can having fun like this way :D
We mandi and play the slides until almost maghrib, and masa tu dah hujan lebat,
We clean up, solat and dinner dekat area area situ jugak.
Wan & Boii nak balik terus after that but me & Luth straight go to Alamanda to watch movies.
Loving you is my full time job ;) |
Boii, Me & Wan |
Luth Love |
Me in action |
Wan |
Boii |
Luth with the kids. HAHA! |
Kanak kanak riang :D |
Plan was to do a movie marathon, tapi movie time semua clash so tak jadi,
we watched Meet the parents little fockers, this movie is SO FUNNAYH! Hee :D
But you must watch the previous fockers movies before watch this one, the 3rd.
Watching movie is so unplanned, we didnt bring our sweater, shaitss!
dah la movie kat alamanda sejuk!
and I wear short and shirt yang agak nipis.
Luckily ada satuuu je kedai yang baru tutup half door - Giordano.
HAHAHA! and luckily this shop ada jual sweater,
me bought a green sweater and a baby-T,
Luth bought a purple sweater. Its help us a lot! HAHA!
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Wassup y'all?! |
Love, C-na
Thursday, December 23, 2010
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Sticky, traditional hand-made yummy! |
Ngee ;D Cute!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
"Touch Of Red Year End Party 2010"
I just cant imagine my life without you now ;) Thank you for walk into my heart and please do permanently stay!
I need you and only you! Dont worry I wont be naughty when you're not around
cause only you in moi heart ;)
Ok, mood jiwang kejap! but yeah just nak express my feeling towards him. Ngeee :D
Back to the topic, last night is Maju Year End Party, and the theme is Touch Of Red.
As I mention in previous entry I chose to wear a RED dress and RED pumps shoe ;)
The party went very well, everyone had so much fun eating, dancing, snapping picca (moi fav)
And everyone did respect the theme, everyone look REDDDDD! so pretty.
I didnt prepared anything for this event, the hair-do and make up i did it myself.
Malas nak pergi saloon and rasa membazir pulak bila I boleh buat sendirikan,
Since I can do it myself, bila dah siap I bukaklah saloon kat Level 26 ni :)
So that my colleague look pretty too!
Yes the main reason why I attend the party is to support every Maju's event &
of course for snapping picca.
What to do, besides shopping I loves photography. Hee :D My baby Nikon!
So yeah, enjoy the pictures ok!
Banyakkan pictures, tapi ini baru suku. Theres more in my pc and will upload it in my FB soon!
Kisses, Haseena ;)