My life colorful like a RAINBOW. I've found the love of my life less than 2 years and now i'm happily married and i'm a mother to a cute baby boy ever Kanda Qalish bin Mohd Lot. Live life to the fullest!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Bestie, Haseena A Rahman.
Change again
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BB Torch vs BB Bold 3 |
This 2 phone is in our hand now! ;))
Torch for Luth, BB Bold 3 White for moi.
As I said in previous entry, I didnt planned to get new BB.
Luth's BB rosak and he changed, and he asked me either I want to change or not.
But I like Bold's design than Torch.
And I did mention I bought BB2,
but the phone got some problem so yesterday I go back to the phone shop at Mines Shopping Complex.
Marah ok, baru beli dah ada software problem.
So yes I smell something busuk with the phone.
Bila sampai je, they change my phone to other phone.
And I buy it a brand new phone ok not 2nd hand phone.
Bila he changed the phone lagi laa i tak tenteram, why he tak just check the phone first.
And my old BBM contacts tak dapat nak restore via my email.
Lagi laaaa I down, so semalam my kerja is asyik add orang balik jeeee.
After changed the phone, Me, Luth & Boii had our dinner at Subway.
Then Nana called asked me to buy for her ipod charger,
so she made us to go back upstairs at the phone area to get the charger.
We bought it at different shop and I ask the salesman what happened to my phone.
Once he checked he smile and said better you dont know about the phone or else you gonna be sad.
Luth said its ok, just tell us. So he taught us how to know either the phone is 2nd hand or brand new.
To all BB users :
1) Go to options.
2) Then click at Device (Signal, Battery, File Free, Pin, IMEI, WLAN MAC, IP address)
3) Then click BUYR
*you can see Data Usage, Voice usage & IT Policy*
the hours of previous owner make calls in & out.
And my konon konon brand new phone Voice usage is more than 77 hours.
WTH kannnnn! I know. Im so pissed that time.
So I went back to that shop and I said I know about their phone.
And he said only BB Bold 3, Torch & Curve 3G only they have brand new.
Then all this while people bought second hand phone.
So I changed it to BB Bold 3 White.
He asked us to pay another RM600 (WTH again!)
I wont pay that much after all these shitsssss.
We only can pay RM450 or pay us back and we will spread the news straight away.
And he agreed with the price after long discussion with us.
AND FOR YOU CINAbaikkkk yang help us to figure out the problem, THANK YOU!
Ada hikmah di sebalik penipuan berani itu.
Now I got White BB Bold 3 in my handbag ;)
Luth's phone was ok cause he bought BB Torch. Lucky him!
To my Baby, I Love you soooooo much sayang!
Today he will go to JB for his first match this Saturday.
Love, Seena.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
change this change that
Luth's BB rosak, dia dah fit sangat sampai handphone pun jadi mangsa training ;)
His BB jatuh and rosak terus. gooooood sangat! *marah*
And dah 2 hari I demam and I took MC,
just rest tidur dekat rumah sambil mengadap Ayra.
Lastnight after training Luth came and pick me up,
terus pergi Mines konon konon nak cari 2nd hand lah.
yelar nak kahwin banyak guna duit kan, tetapi saya dah jangkaaaaa. hehehe :D
He bought BB Torch terussssss, and he asked me nak ke?Ngee :D
But I dont like Torch's design,
I lagi ok yang simple macam Bold so he bought BB Bold 2 White ;)
YES! HEHEHE :D Terus baik demam! But I miss my Curve White *byebye Baby Curvey*
And since dia dah nak start game, and banyak sangat away game nanti so he bought another phone yang boleh video call. My phone N8 kan dah kena kebas oleh peragut peragut animal dulu.
And now I use his N8 he use new phone. Hee :D asalkan boleh tengok dia walaupun jauh!
Good Luck baby for this season, his first game vs Johor FC this Saturday at JB.
So tak dapat la nak tengok. So kasik menang yer sayang, dapat bonus banyak banyak. Amennnn :)
Love you muchos! *HUGS*
His BB jatuh and rosak terus. gooooood sangat! *marah*
And dah 2 hari I demam and I took MC,
just rest tidur dekat rumah sambil mengadap Ayra.
Lastnight after training Luth came and pick me up,
terus pergi Mines konon konon nak cari 2nd hand lah.
yelar nak kahwin banyak guna duit kan, tetapi saya dah jangkaaaaa. hehehe :D
He bought BB Torch terussssss, and he asked me nak ke?Ngee :D
But I dont like Torch's design,
I lagi ok yang simple macam Bold so he bought BB Bold 2 White ;)
YES! HEHEHE :D Terus baik demam! But I miss my Curve White *byebye Baby Curvey*
And since dia dah nak start game, and banyak sangat away game nanti so he bought another phone yang boleh video call. My phone N8 kan dah kena kebas oleh peragut peragut animal dulu.
And now I use his N8 he use new phone. Hee :D asalkan boleh tengok dia walaupun jauh!
Good Luck baby for this season, his first game vs Johor FC this Saturday at JB.
So tak dapat la nak tengok. So kasik menang yer sayang, dapat bonus banyak banyak. Amennnn :)
Love you muchos! *HUGS*
Sunday, January 23, 2011
This is what usually I do on my weekends.
Yes, hangout with them is a MUST for weekly activity :)
Usually when the league started Im gonna watch Luth in action.
And before this I have this 2 sisters Kak Nora & Kak Azue lepak with me everytime I watch Luth.
Kak Nora is a Plus's staff so she basically handle the Plus Football team.
And Kak Azue is one of the footballer's wife, Angah/Zamani.
Since now there is no more KL Plus, everyone go own their way.
Zamani go back where his belong, Negeri Sembilan.
Luth pulak pergi Felda United, nearer my house ;)
They taught me alot about football world. And knowing me, I dont know much about football or the player until now. I only knew the player who closed with Luth :)
Yes Kak Nora & Kak Azue I miss you both soo sooooo much!
Lepas ni cna pergi tengok bola sorang sorang je la ;(
Yes, hangout with them is a MUST for weekly activity :)
Usually when the league started Im gonna watch Luth in action.
And before this I have this 2 sisters Kak Nora & Kak Azue lepak with me everytime I watch Luth.
Kak Nora is a Plus's staff so she basically handle the Plus Football team.
And Kak Azue is one of the footballer's wife, Angah/Zamani.
Since now there is no more KL Plus, everyone go own their way.
Zamani go back where his belong, Negeri Sembilan.
Luth pulak pergi Felda United, nearer my house ;)
They taught me alot about football world. And knowing me, I dont know much about football or the player until now. I only knew the player who closed with Luth :)
Yes Kak Nora & Kak Azue I miss you both soo sooooo much!
Lepas ni cna pergi tengok bola sorang sorang je la ;(
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Kak Azue |
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Kak Nora |
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Preparation from A to T
Videographer [Not yet]
Gifts [Not yet]
Invitation Card [Not yet]
Catering [Not yet]
Canopy [Not yet]
Pelamin [50/50]
P.A System [Not yet]
Room's Decoration [Not yet]
Actually there is a lots more in the list, but I just listed what is the most important.
And yes, now I am busy browse-ing bridal hairstyle.
Still not so sure what style I wanna do ;)
Of course im gonna wear "tudung" during my akad nikah *mom's hajat*
So yeah, yesterday one whole day me, mom & wawa went out,
Boutique Hunting! since there is a problem with my previous boutique, D'Renjis,
and now say Hello to Puteris boutique, Putrajaya.
Alhamdulillah, I found the dress suits me!
Im gonna wear silver dress at my side, and baby blue at Luth's side.
For more info about the dress, wait until after the big day ;)
From now on, im gonna be extremely superbusy for this big day.
Yelah, I didn't hire any wedding organizer,
Everysinglething idea come from me & family . Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Of course I faced a lil problem here and there,
but I hope I can get through all the task from HIM.
Miss World 2011 ;) HAHAHA! since morning, dah malam mcm ni la rupanya.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Oh Ana Rafali ;)
Jangan disusun kata-kata penamat
Jangan disebut baris ayat keramat
Biar lenyap diserap sunyi
Biar senyap yang tak menyepi
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Mari patahkan papan markah lama
Mari padamkan buku tiga lima
Biar luka sembuh sendiri
Biar lupa dimakan hari
Jangan disebut baris ayat keramat
Biar lenyap diserap sunyi
Biar senyap yang tak menyepi
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Mari patahkan papan markah lama
Mari padamkan buku tiga lima
Biar luka sembuh sendiri
Biar lupa dimakan hari
Tolong ingatkan akuAna Rafali, Juara Lagu 2011
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Kau dampingi aku
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
Bila marah merasuk minda
Kecewa menyelubungi jiwa
Aku lupa
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa
Ku teringatkanmu
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
Tolong ingatkan aku kisah kita
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kita
Memang pada mulanya saya macam tak percaya gadis itu dapat merangkul anugerah itu.
Tapi dalam hati kata, "dah rezeki dia seena."
Balik dari Juara Lagu ke-25 terus download lagu si Juara, dan hayati.
Tolong ingatkan aku?
Tolong ingatkan kemenangan Ana Rafali ke? memang kemenangan gadis itu telah membuat banyak pihak bersuara. Aik baru saya tau banyak rupanya yang pandai dalam bidang seni "halus" ini kat Malaysia :)
Tolong ingatkan aku?
The worst Juara Lagu ke? Yes for me, but saya tak pernah salahkan kemenangan Ana Rafali punca Juara Lagu tahun ni tak best. Salah siapa? entah la. just next time dont put high expectation on this kind of events.
Tolong ingatkan aku?
Itu je lah rangkap yang saya tahu masa gadis itu dendangkan lagu dia.
Tapi sekarang,
Baru saya faham kenapa Sifu M.Nasir menobatkan gelaran Juara Lagu ini kepada gadis kecil itu.
Lirik dan Melodi-nya penuh dengan makna tersirat.
Saya suka. Cuma selama ni kita memandang kecil kepada bakat gadis itu.
Tak pernah nak beri peluang kepada bakat baru.
Come on Seena, you pernah jaga budak budak yang baru merangkak nak jadi artis,
You tahu bakat mereka besar tetapi tak dapat nak sampaikan kepada semua orang.
Sebabnya ini Malaysia la. Ini bukan negara yang menyokong penggiat seni.
Kita terlampau memilih kasih, bila dah ke tahap international baru mengaku dia dari negara sendiri.
Macam pasukan bola sepak Malaysia. Selama ni mana kita nampak kewujudan mereka.
Pergi stadium pun taknak, lagi la nak menyumbang untuk beli tiket.
Tapi bila dah menang, barulah cakap itu anak jati kita, hero malaya.
Hayati dan fahamilah lirik si gadis itu, Ana Rafali - Tolong Ingatkan Aku.
Baru kamu faham kenapa dia layak dinobatkan gelaran Juara Lagu ke-25, 2011.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
New Zodiac Signs 2011
January 20- to February 16
February 16 to March 11
February 16 to March 11
March 11 to April 18
March 11 to April 18
April 18 to May 13
April 18 to May 13
May 13 to June 21
May 13 to June 21
June 21 to July 20
June 21 to July 20
July 20 to August 10
July 20 to August 10
August 10 to September 16
August 10 to September 16
September 16 to October 30
September 16 to October 30
October 30 to November 23
October 30 to November 23
November 23 to November 29
November 23 to November 29
November 29 to December 17
November 29 to December 17
December 17 to January 20
December 17 to January 20
Yes, ME remains Pisces the fish ;)
Woot woot!
General Forecast 2011
Those who are Pisces shall enjoy surprising gains and also progress in health in the year 2011. Even who are looking for long-term partnerships can look forward to 2011. There are also indication of rewards and recognition at the professional level. Those who are in business may face some challenges as your competitors shall give you a tough time. Friends and associates shall help and support you in the coming year. Development of improved communication is also on the cards in your family.
Business people will have improved business relationship in 2011. But be careful to plan properly before you implement big business decisions. Issues with rivals and competitors in 2011 are likely to overwhelm you. Those who are in the hunt for jobs shall have a good prospect during the months of May to July. There will be business issues, but those will soon disappear since you shall tackle it wisely, and feel confident at the end. Overall this year shall be promising for you at the career front. You will see success in promotions and lucrative opportunities.
This year you must save money to meet the challenges of unforeseen contingencies. This year shall prove beneficial for saving money in insurance. Do not invest your hard earned money during the months of August to October, as it is unsuitable for any kind of investment. Do not indulge in any kind of speculation during this time. Pending business issues may crop up suddenly and your expenses may increase. But this phase shall be a temporary one. The months of November and December shall be very productive and profitable for you. You can make long term investments to expand your business further during this period.
Love and Romance
For Piscean lovers, this year shall be a fruitful one. They shall find their true love and enjoy the company of the partners. There are high possibilities that you shall find your true soul mate in 2011. This year your love life shall reach the pinnacle of passion and you will truly cherish the precious moments with your better-half. You will feel elated and wonderful in the company of your partner. Love will fill your life this year. Keep your love affair on a decent level to enjoy its everlasting effects. You will receive love, support and help from your beloved in the latter part of 2011, though, there are indications of some complex issues arising out of your romantic involvements. You have to resolve them yourself. Overall, 2011 shall be a promising year in terms of love and relationships.
As far as health is concerned, all Pisceans shall have an average health. Taking up regular exercises shall save you from ailments. If you feel stressed out due to your work, it is advised that you smile and be optimistic to enjoy your work. Be careful not to indulge in a very hectic schedule. Concentrate more on relaxation exercises to keep your mind cool and relaxed.
Lucky Color
Mauve, Lilac, Purple, Violet, Sea green
Lucky Number
3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25, 30, 34, 43, 52
Great Personalities with Pisces Sign
Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Morarji Desai, Bruce Willis, Victor Hugo, Elizabeth Taylor
Piscean, Haseena A Rahman ;)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Beach gateway
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Redang June, 2010 |
Oh so miss that crystal clear water.
I need a beach vacay now!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Sorry for the long blog-ing holiday ;)
Last week was a bad week for me, I had a lil fight with my new Procurement Manager.
But its ok as long as my HR Manager still be by my side and protect me! Love you much Joanne!
And I had migraine & fever on Friday, since our company now had a zero MC campaign,
so I took annual leave, membazirkan? I know *silent*
I went to the clinic but I didnt make an appointment with my doctor, I just walk in.
And I asked my blood result which I took it on December 2010,
Lama ok! I asked them to call me but they didnt.
Cuba kalau I sakit teruk, how?
When I asked them can you tell whats the result, dengan sombongnya nurse tu jawab,
Nurse : saya takleh nak bagitau pape, nak tau pape tanya doktor.
Woohooo! before you said something please THINK first.
I terus cakap next time call! dont let patient die because of you!
I walk out, and leave the clinic dengan perasaan marah yang amat ;O
Mana tak marahnya, based on my blood test report there is a few result yg tak normal.
And kena bold lagi result tu, of course I nak tau my condition now kannnnn. pfft.
So yeah, I bring back the result and might ask my dad to call the doctor personally and
of course complain pasal that snobbish nurse.
End of the week treat me good, hee :D
Since last week we've planned Yand's & Wawan Birthday Party.
Actually Wawan dah tak surprise sebab UT ter-invite him dalam BBM group,
the group where we planned the whole events, from A - Z.
And yes Wawan knows everything. Hurmmmm. Silap silap.
On Friday night I went to Shah Alam to pick up the cupcakes I ordered last Wednesday.
Please dont be surprise of the cuppies design, biasalah lelaki punya idea, pelik pelik sajaaa.
We Googled pills design, for those druggie out there dari korang sibuk telan ubat tu,
baik buat macam kiterang, tempah cupcakes with pills design and eat it, lagi sedappp!
chocolate flavor lagi you'ols! :D
All this while we celebrate everyone's birthday kalau tak dekat karaoke mesti dekat club,
but this year for them we all change the place, rumah sewa mereka! kekeke :D
Koleng dah culik yand since petang, they went to gym and lepak sama sama.
Malam tu after ambik cuppies, me & Luth pick up Nad and straight to RC.
We all sampai tak lama Aizat, Wawan, Apip, UT, semua dah sampai.
Sorok dekat bilik Luth almost 30 minutes tunggu Koleng & Atan bawak balik Yand.
Hee :D Dierang tipu Yand ajak pergi club, HAHAHA! Club di RC yer bang!
Alhamdulillah everything went well, he surprised and happy!
Hee :D we had so muichhh fun!
And the next day I spend a lot of time with my parents cari katil for my wedding nanti ;)
The design I wanted dah takde so we have to order it. Hee :D
When I went back, Luth pulak ajak keluar nak tengok movie.
So he came to my house and we went to Alamanda, nak tengok Khurafat tapi fully booked pulak.
We watched "Faster", the movie was ok lah. Nak tau tengok sendiri aaaa. huhu :D
Tak best kalau cerita awal awal. ngee :D
So since Nad's birthday is around the corner, I cari lah pressie for her awal awal.
Malas nak kelam kabut nanti :) and I bought her DIOR ADDICT ULTRA GLOSS.
I hope u like it dear *kisses*
Last week was a bad week for me, I had a lil fight with my new Procurement Manager.
But its ok as long as my HR Manager still be by my side and protect me! Love you much Joanne!
And I had migraine & fever on Friday, since our company now had a zero MC campaign,
so I took annual leave, membazirkan? I know *silent*
I went to the clinic but I didnt make an appointment with my doctor, I just walk in.
And I asked my blood result which I took it on December 2010,
Lama ok! I asked them to call me but they didnt.
Cuba kalau I sakit teruk, how?
When I asked them can you tell whats the result, dengan sombongnya nurse tu jawab,
Nurse : saya takleh nak bagitau pape, nak tau pape tanya doktor.
Woohooo! before you said something please THINK first.
I terus cakap next time call! dont let patient die because of you!
I walk out, and leave the clinic dengan perasaan marah yang amat ;O
Mana tak marahnya, based on my blood test report there is a few result yg tak normal.
And kena bold lagi result tu, of course I nak tau my condition now kannnnn. pfft.
So yeah, I bring back the result and might ask my dad to call the doctor personally and
of course complain pasal that snobbish nurse.
End of the week treat me good, hee :D
Since last week we've planned Yand's & Wawan Birthday Party.
Actually Wawan dah tak surprise sebab UT ter-invite him dalam BBM group,
the group where we planned the whole events, from A - Z.
And yes Wawan knows everything. Hurmmmm. Silap silap.
On Friday night I went to Shah Alam to pick up the cupcakes I ordered last Wednesday.
Please dont be surprise of the cuppies design, biasalah lelaki punya idea, pelik pelik sajaaa.
We Googled pills design, for those druggie out there dari korang sibuk telan ubat tu,
baik buat macam kiterang, tempah cupcakes with pills design and eat it, lagi sedappp!
chocolate flavor lagi you'ols! :D
All this while we celebrate everyone's birthday kalau tak dekat karaoke mesti dekat club,
but this year for them we all change the place, rumah sewa mereka! kekeke :D
Koleng dah culik yand since petang, they went to gym and lepak sama sama.
Malam tu after ambik cuppies, me & Luth pick up Nad and straight to RC.
We all sampai tak lama Aizat, Wawan, Apip, UT, semua dah sampai.
Sorok dekat bilik Luth almost 30 minutes tunggu Koleng & Atan bawak balik Yand.
Hee :D Dierang tipu Yand ajak pergi club, HAHAHA! Club di RC yer bang!
Alhamdulillah everything went well, he surprised and happy!
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My co-pilot, Thank You teman-ing me :) |
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Unique cuppies. |
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My dearest bestie *kisses* |
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Waiting for birthday boy. Aizat, Wawan & Luth. |
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Surpriseeeee! |
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Happy Birthday to both brother! HUGS! |
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I bought candle yang susah nak padam. ngee :D kena tiup byk kali! |
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Pelik tengok design cuppies |
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The boys |
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Happy guy! |
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Yuzrand Yusoff |
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Hee :D he smiled everytime looked at it! |
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Izwan Musa |
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Her birthday is next week! noted! |
Hee :D we had so muichhh fun!
And the next day I spend a lot of time with my parents cari katil for my wedding nanti ;)
The design I wanted dah takde so we have to order it. Hee :D
When I went back, Luth pulak ajak keluar nak tengok movie.
So he came to my house and we went to Alamanda, nak tengok Khurafat tapi fully booked pulak.
We watched "Faster", the movie was ok lah. Nak tau tengok sendiri aaaa. huhu :D
Tak best kalau cerita awal awal. ngee :D
So since Nad's birthday is around the corner, I cari lah pressie for her awal awal.
Malas nak kelam kabut nanti :) and I bought her DIOR ADDICT ULTRA GLOSS.
I hope u like it dear *kisses*
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Her pressie from me ;) |
To my family, future husband & friends.
Thank you so much for light up my life.
Love you all too bits!
Love always, Haseena.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Time Management
Tak suka emas pasal tu saya letak diamond ;)
Last month I received an email from this "big company" :
We received your resume in good hand and it's an honor to call you for an interview as mentioned below :
Date : January 11, 2011
Time : 2pm
Venue : ?
Appreciate if you could be here half an hour earlier in order to fill up the forms.
The interview session will takes an approx of 15-20 minutes between yourself and my CMO, GM, Manager and HR personnel. (Senior Management)
Kindly confirm your attendance by replying to this email not later than December 21, 2010.
Should you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to give me a call.
Thanks - ?
Manager ......
Address ......
And I already replied and confirmed the date, and I applied leave.
So yesterday I went to that company for so-called-the-interview.
Luth came to my house at 12pm, we leave home 1230 and I reach there 130pm.
I enter executive meeting room, and when I look around I was like OMG ramainya datang interview today.
So I thought that my turn is at 2pm, so I fill up the forms.
I waited until almost 4pm, 2 hours and 30 minutes mannnnnn! come on!
I emailed the lady who asked me to come for this interview and tell her im leaving.
Im very particular with time management, she emailed me my time is at 2pm,
and what the hell i waited there until 4pm.
So yes, I pass the forms to one of her colleague and leaved!
She replied my email few minutes later and felt so sorry about the long hours of waiting and she said she will re-schedule my interview again.
But as for me, im not said that im perfect but i work professional.
I dont like people who dont appreciate time given.
Come on, time flies so fast and if you dont appreciate it you will lose something precious.
Rasa macam buang masa pergi Interview tu, lama kot menunggu.
And I leaved the interview to let them learned the lesson, dengan perasaan marah I jumpa Luth and he bring me dinner at One Utama. Hee :D
Dah kat shopping complex kan, so I pampered myself buying one Coach handbag. Ngeee :D
Luth cakap sayang make sure this is your last shopping ok! Dah nak kahwin kan?
And I jawab, OK baby! After this instead of bawak pergi Shopping complex but please bring me to Nilai 3.
Or boutique pengantin, so duit habis kat tempat yang sepatutnya :D
Tonight Luth's parents will come to my house for first wedding metting.
Nak tetapkan date sebab dah nak start nak listing and buat card.
Haaaaa lepas ni weekend takde masa nak enjoy enjoy haaa, nak kena uruskan wedding preparation.
So instead of shop barang barang kehendak lepas ni shop barang barang keperluan sahaja :D
Kena balik awal yer haseena today, kena prepare food for them ;)
I hope semua akan ok ok sahaja. Amin amin amin.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Friends OUT-ing!
Last Saturday I've got Body Combat class in the morning,
In the afternoon Luth asked me accompanied him to Tasik Perdana, Kuala Lumpur.
EverySaturday he got training dekat Tasik Perdana tapi I tak pernah nak ikut sebab MALAS! :)
Tapi that day sebab after training Luth ajak lepak so ikutlah, almost 2 hours jugak la tunggu dia.
Takpe sayang-kan seena? So layankan je la :D
While waiting for him Yand BBM-ing me :
Yuzrand : GF! Pavi jom!
Me : Jom! After Luth training we all terus pergi ok.
Yuzrand : You kat mana?
Me : Tasik Perdana, berlari :)
So after Luth habis training dia siap siap mandi and terus pergi Pavi.
We reached there around 8pm, Apip, Wawan & Koleng tengah teman Yand shopping :)
Every single boutique dia masuk ok! :D Luth hungry and we both pergi laaa makan dulu kat Thai Express.
Actually Luth rupanya dah ada plan, he & his teammate nak pergi Rootz since dia dah lama tak keluar.
I called Nad and asked her to come to Pavi and then Rootz, she came around 1030pm,
dinner at Coffee Bean then we hit the club! *chewah*
The boys tak ikut pergi Rootz sebab nak pergi somewhere else.
So only 3 of us yang pergi plus Luth's teammate :) so ramai ter-sangatlah kat sana.
Hehehe :D I enjoyed that night. Dah lama tak having fun with my dear friends.
On Sunday we went to AJL25, malas nak cerita panjang sebab macam menyesal pergi.
Their management was sucks, cakap pintu bukak pukul 7pm tapi almost 8pm baru masuk.
And VIP tickets punya seating tak best lansung, dierang cakap bawah artiste sahaja buttttt...
Orang yang ntah sape sape lah pun ada jer kat bawah. Mizz Nina pun duduk dekat dengan me.
Please la organize betul betul kalau iyer pun nak bagi penuh dewan tu.
Ana Rafali menang AJL25? malaslah nak comment - dah rezeki dia :)
Whatever it is this year AJL was not as great as last year or either previous year.
Please TV3, maintain your quality.
Kisses, Haseena.
In the afternoon Luth asked me accompanied him to Tasik Perdana, Kuala Lumpur.
EverySaturday he got training dekat Tasik Perdana tapi I tak pernah nak ikut sebab MALAS! :)
Tapi that day sebab after training Luth ajak lepak so ikutlah, almost 2 hours jugak la tunggu dia.
Takpe sayang-kan seena? So layankan je la :D
While waiting for him Yand BBM-ing me :
Yuzrand : GF! Pavi jom!
Me : Jom! After Luth training we all terus pergi ok.
Yuzrand : You kat mana?
Me : Tasik Perdana, berlari :)
So after Luth habis training dia siap siap mandi and terus pergi Pavi.
We reached there around 8pm, Apip, Wawan & Koleng tengah teman Yand shopping :)
Every single boutique dia masuk ok! :D Luth hungry and we both pergi laaa makan dulu kat Thai Express.
Actually Luth rupanya dah ada plan, he & his teammate nak pergi Rootz since dia dah lama tak keluar.
I called Nad and asked her to come to Pavi and then Rootz, she came around 1030pm,
dinner at Coffee Bean then we hit the club! *chewah*
The boys tak ikut pergi Rootz sebab nak pergi somewhere else.
So only 3 of us yang pergi plus Luth's teammate :) so ramai ter-sangatlah kat sana.
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Mango blended - Moi FAV! |
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My Brothers - Koleng, Me, Wawan & Yand |
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Sorry, I just cant say NO to shopping :) |
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I Love you too bits! |
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Nad & Moi Love |
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Me & Jaynol |
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My pretty Siti Nadirah Nasir |
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PIMP!! |
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Me & Steph |
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I met these guys outside Rootz - Waka Wakaaaa! |
Hehehe :D I enjoyed that night. Dah lama tak having fun with my dear friends.
On Sunday we went to AJL25, malas nak cerita panjang sebab macam menyesal pergi.
Their management was sucks, cakap pintu bukak pukul 7pm tapi almost 8pm baru masuk.
And VIP tickets punya seating tak best lansung, dierang cakap bawah artiste sahaja buttttt...
Orang yang ntah sape sape lah pun ada jer kat bawah. Mizz Nina pun duduk dekat dengan me.
Please la organize betul betul kalau iyer pun nak bagi penuh dewan tu.
Ana Rafali menang AJL25? malaslah nak comment - dah rezeki dia :)
Whatever it is this year AJL was not as great as last year or either previous year.
Please TV3, maintain your quality.
Kisses, Haseena.
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