Monday, June 10, 2013


Rezeki Kanda Qalish
Like I mention in my previous entry regarding my pregnancy journey,
my pregnancy journey wasn't as fun as i expected.
At that particular moment, I felt like quiting everything including JOB!
Trust me, I was that weak, which is so not me.

But Alhamdulillah, my family and husband always be my backbone.
Support and trust in me, they said they know I can get through these phase.
And what they said is totally CORRECT!
Just after I deliver my baby Kanda, I can feel like a power came into my body.
teng teng teng Power Rangersssss!!
Hahahaha... Ok ok trust me macam ada power masuk dalam badan when the moment I saw my son.
The moment you rasa ish mesti kena kerja kuat sebab nak bagi dia education yang terbaik,
pakaian yang cantik cantik, everything in this world for him.
So yeah I am back like me before the workaholic me :)

But takkan nak tipu after confinement 3 months memang malasssss sangat nak jejakkan kaki kat office.
Gagahkan diri je demi baju baju comel Kanda Qalish. Ngeeeee.
So yeah after 2 months I masuk kerja balik I was transfered to other department and alhamdulillah semua benda naikkkkkk! Rezeki anak orang kata.

Pasal tu bila kita pregnant, kena all the time sickness kita kena bertahan,
sebab masa tu Allah nak uji kita,
bila kita dapat bertahan Inshaa Allah, Allah akan bagi ganjarannya selain anak yang kacak!

Ok then, to all mommies to be, keep strong! You can do it!

Till then!

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