Again we're not celebrate V Day but yup we went out for a proper dinner.
Me, Luth & Boii went to Flam's, Changkat last night.
It's V night so the deco is flowery and awww so sweet.
Luth being so sweet again, he bought me flowers with a few bear on top of it.
He pergi bank to cash out money,
and when he came back he bring a bouquet of flowers.
SUKA SANGAT! There is no one can be as sweetest as him <333 We had a great & sweet dinner and we go back at 2am and woke up at 530am for KERJA! Whatever it is ..... "SAYANG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! YOU'RE THE BEST!"
So enjoy our oh-so-sweet-picture :) sweet ke? *diam*
Love, Seena.
1 comment:
your so LUCKYY cna.... :))
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