HAHAHA! :D Yesterday I cleaned up my workplace and today it look so clean & shine-ing.
Love it indeed! Semangat sikit nak kerja, arranged all the files and thanks to my officemate for helping me :)And yesterday I met Syazwani Alias for the very first time, we had lunch together at Secret Recipe, Sogo.
We had a long talk until i didnt realize my lunch time is already over. Hee :D
I had fun and happy knowing you babe! Such a pretty and friendly gal.
Lepas ni tak dapat nak lunch together lagi cause next week will be your last week as practical student at KWSP.
Kesian dia kena marah dengan boss sampai balik Batu Pahat, HAHAHA :D that is real world sister!
And yesterday after work me, Safid, Azizul and Helmi had Char Keow Teow kow punye dekat belakang Istana Budaya :) Safid said the place served the best Char Keow Teow and kalau nak bayar kena tunggu kakak baldi yang kira, orang lain tak boleh tetapi.....kakak baldi dah ada pengganti = abang baldi lah sudah tukar!LOL.
We lepak until 9 something chit chat, gelak gelak even im the only girl. So what?! My fiancee tahu k! ;p
Talking about fiancee yesterday he went to Melaka with his friends from petang until pagi.
And he said this Friday pun kena pergi sana lagi, aish ada girl lain ke dekat sana?? ;l
Hehehe, I know you love me and only me kan baby kannnnn :D
Today after work we go dinner k sayang, see you after work then! *kisses*
xo, Seyna
hehehe tq cna sbb belanje wnie mkn..nice meeting u too..xpe cna,eventho wnie da xde kt situ ag,kte still blh jmpe kayh..tgk bola sme2 ke,time lepak2 uma kak azu ke wnie akn roger cna..have a beautiful day ahead & stay pretty cna.. ;))
Hee :D ok love! xoxo
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