Well, the date not treat me well, yesterday was a bad day for me.
I got AF Reunion at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil last night, and im dying to go.
I misses them so soooo much, and of course the teachers and the crew too.
Principle Norman called me personally and asked me to come but..... :(
I'm sorry, its not that i want to leave the entertainment world forever, but it always have clash occasion.
I will make it up with you guys some other day ok :) its a promise!
So yeah the reason why I can't make it to AF Reunion is because of STUPID Motor GP!!
Seriously went there its really not worth it. My Fiancee paid RM102 per-ticket and it is only less than 1 hour race. pfft. Seriously im not interested to go at all, if F1 boleh laaaa.
But there's motorbike that I think I would love to ride if i have the chance. Heee :D
Cool jugak tengok all the bikers and their partner, different world and fashion. Serious smart please!
And here is the worst part of this event = JAMMED!
I hate jammed indeed! dah la weekdays pergi and balik kerja jamm, ni weekend pun stuck jammed!
I stuck more than 2 hours, serious tekanan jiwa. pfft. terus x sempat nak pergi AF Reunion.
Bencikkkkkk! Motor GP just ruining my plan. grrrrrrrrr :((
And had a sweet fight with sayangku, nak manja2 konon. He pujuk until almost 11pm and bring me makan.
Thank you baby for being so understanding and sabar dengan perangai me :)
I know you love me so much and I do love you more than you do.

Hope this week treat me well than last week. Stay Positive and Stay Pweety! :)
Peluk, Haseena A Rahman.
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