Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Up To Another Level

Being grown up is not as great as I imagine.
Why can we live happily-ever-after like Disney already taught us since we're born?
Im so grateful that I have a perfect family, group of friends & lovely boyfriend.
But yet I still couldnt find a perfect job :( I hate my job now.
I have to get stable, IM GETTING MARRIED! *not this year for sure*

Perfect boyfriend already proposed to be his wife & his family wants "IT" very soon.
We decided to do our engagement end of 2010 & the "Big Day" a year after.

Now we manage to save our money as a grown up for :
  • Buy a house
  • Child - Education, Food, Clothes, etc...
  • Complete furniture
  • etc etc etc

*Think think think.....TAKUTTTT!!!!*

Now whatever happen, I have to stay focus 24/7 and cari ka-ching everysingleday!


| miss waniSz | said...

ucapan selamat buat cna n luth...!!! ;))

Haseena said...

Thanks dear :)