My first Raya celebration as a wife & with the hubby is a blessed.
I am so thankful to have the opportunity to live as happy as I am now.
My life is completed when he came into my life.
Even this Raya is my first time away from beloved family,
I do enjoyed with my new family ;)
Luth start his training 4th of Raya, so we have to make everything
as fast as we can.
Just after Raya at his parent's house at Cheras,
we straight to Batu Pahat my dad's side since my family were there.
We slept for a night then we off to Segamat, mom's side.
It was a fun journey, Love being around with lovable people.
My first Raya with him is FUN FUN FUN!
Here, I would like to ask forgiveness for all my wrongdoings,
terkasar bahasa, terguris hati, ampun dipinta,
to my dear husband, family & friends.
Semoga hari hari kita diberkati yang ESA.
Selamat Hari Raya Sayang, Ampun dipinta ;)
At In Law's place

My new family, Luth's Family

Both lil sisters
At Batu Pahat, Dad's side

Cousins & Auntie

Cousins, at Segamat Mom's side
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