I know it's been almost 4 months me & Luth become husband & wife.
As I promise before, here I reveal the story of my big day.
I am officially Luth's wife on 21st of May 2011, after Isya' at Bangi, my place.
Everything went smoothly as I planned, and my place is full by favorite people.
I am having no difficulties for my Akad Ceremony, Im very calm & excited.
After sekali lafaz by Luth, I am officially his wife dunia dan akhirat, InsyaAllah.
I Love everything, my outfit, my make up,
hantaran from me to Luth and the smell of happiness.
I can see smiles from everyone, my family & friends. It was a magical & sweet moment ever.
When I saw Luth sit in front of me, my hearts just cant stop beating.
"Ya Allah! Dia adalah jodohku, semoga ikatan ini akan berkekalan ke akhir zaman,
Ku ingin jodohku ini menjadi imamku selama-lamanya Ya Allah,
Ku ingin menjadi tulang rusuk kirinya dunia akhirat, InsyaAllah."
I know he is my jodoh since the first time I met him, less than a year he came with his family to prove his love. Less than 2 years, we are officially husband & wife disaksikan our loves one.
Ya Allah, terima kasih atas pemberianmu, ku bersyukur dgn apa yang telah kau kurniakan.
Terima kasih mak & abah, tanpa mereka tidakkan ku kecapi kebahagiaan ini.
Terima kasih kakak, abang & adik adik, mereka tulang belakangku.
Terima kasih aunties & uncles, tidak pernah mengeluh menolongku.
Terima kasih kawan kawan, jasa tidak mungkin dapatku balas.
May Allah bless all of you!
As I promise before, here I reveal the story of my big day.
I am officially Luth's wife on 21st of May 2011, after Isya' at Bangi, my place.
Everything went smoothly as I planned, and my place is full by favorite people.
I am having no difficulties for my Akad Ceremony, Im very calm & excited.
After sekali lafaz by Luth, I am officially his wife dunia dan akhirat, InsyaAllah.
I Love everything, my outfit, my make up,
hantaran from me to Luth and the smell of happiness.
I can see smiles from everyone, my family & friends. It was a magical & sweet moment ever.
When I saw Luth sit in front of me, my hearts just cant stop beating.
"Ya Allah! Dia adalah jodohku, semoga ikatan ini akan berkekalan ke akhir zaman,
Ku ingin jodohku ini menjadi imamku selama-lamanya Ya Allah,
Ku ingin menjadi tulang rusuk kirinya dunia akhirat, InsyaAllah."
I know he is my jodoh since the first time I met him, less than a year he came with his family to prove his love. Less than 2 years, we are officially husband & wife disaksikan our loves one.
Ya Allah, terima kasih atas pemberianmu, ku bersyukur dgn apa yang telah kau kurniakan.
Terima kasih mak & abah, tanpa mereka tidakkan ku kecapi kebahagiaan ini.
Terima kasih kakak, abang & adik adik, mereka tulang belakangku.
Terima kasih aunties & uncles, tidak pernah mengeluh menolongku.
Terima kasih kawan kawan, jasa tidak mungkin dapatku balas.
May Allah bless all of you!

My make up done by Mimi Suriani from Puteris

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