Sunday, July 17, 2011


I've read this info from Blog Serius
"Tahukah anda sekiranya rakan wanita, bini, tunang, skandal, teman tapi mesra atau fuck buddy anda menerima 1200 mg Kalsium sehari selama 3 bulan mereka akan menjadi kurang emosi ketika PMS? Segelas susu mengandungi 300 mg Kalsium. Maka berilah mereka 4 gelas susu sehari untuk mengurangkan rage dan gadoh ketika PMS."

I've been struggling about this PMS thingy since ages.
I am so sorry for people who are around me everytime I had this annoying sickness.
Especially to my beloved hubby, I'm sorry love, sometimes I just couldn't stop myself being a crazy person.
So here I've got the solution ;) it's a good one! Since I loveeeeeeee MILK so much!
Yeah I tend to drink milk one big bottle a day, BIG BOTTLE yeah people.
But Luth asked me to stop for a while since I put on weight. Serious weyh, I'm fat now! *pfft*
But as for me, milk doesn't' cause fat at all. I've been drinking milk since back then but my weight remains.
Maybe after got married, "hati sudah senang" pasal tu senang naik badan kot.
Whatever it is, now Luth being a very fussy coach.
InsyaAllah,  my weight gonna be normal in couple of months.
So back to PMS and MILK, yeay for me! I love the solution and to my dear hubby,
Kalau nak kehidupan kita ceria ketika saya menghadapi masalah PMS carilah susu yer!
No wonder dulu dulu kalau PMS less-annoying, hehehehehe :)))

source : got milk?

source : got milk?

source : got milk?

source : got milk?

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