Monday, October 6, 2014


Siapa yang tak pernah lalui situasi yang kita sendiri tak duga.
Dunia ni mana ada perfect. Semua orang ada perasaan.
Yang baik pun kadang kadang dengki jugak. Jangan tipu please!
I’m not perfect. I admit, because I want more than what I needs.
Tapi ye la, life masing masing kan, lain la ceriteranya.

Last week I received threats email from unknown.
He wants my friend’s hp number.
Hurm, hello I’m not mak ayam yang easily can give my friend’s number to strangers.
So since I totally ignored his email, he sends me threats email (I think he’s my fake followers on IG)
Okay scary, since that my IG is private. Gilalah manusia macam ni pun wujud?
His email threats sound like this “Kedekutt!! Okey fine xnk bg kan?? Well kite tgk pe jadi dgn anak kamu. Bye2.”
And I straight took half day leave and lodge a police report.

What can I say here, whenever we go, whatever we do, ada je yang memerhati.
Tak kisah kawan ke, strangers ke, kita kena berhati hati.
Dunia dah tak aman, and obviously Malaysia dah tak aman. SAD!

I try to shop undercover.

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