Sunday, November 21, 2010

Heyy Braaa ;)

Title di atas tak ada kena mengena dengan entry ni, suka suki je :)
Dah lama tak update, nak cakap busy tak jugak, ada je masa terluang tapi cuma malas nak update.
Nothing interesting to update, past few weeks I went Memory Training & Shout! Awards.
And as usual wedding preparation yang tak habis habis. bluerrgghhh! Keep positive seena ;)

Memory Training was ok, just ok sahaja coz the training is on Friday night and Saturday morning,
oleh kerana mengacau weekend saya thats why I said it was ok je but if weekdays I might say it was fun.
It was held at South Lake Residence (SLR), Coordinate by Mr. Helmi.
I went with Helmy, Mai and Kak Sumai. The main purpose of attending these training is to menguatkan daya ingatan kami yang terlampau banyak benda nak kena fikir ni. Agagagaga :D
Baru habis 2 hari ada lagi 2 hari training lagi. Layannnnnnnnn sajeeeee!

Shout! Awards for me was a bit boring even though there's a few performances yang awesome.
Seriously i was like yawn-ing out loud a few times and feel like "NAK BALIKKK PLEASE"!
but i had fun with my "urban" girls that night. Its been awhile x catch up things with them.
Banyak benda kena updates, and of course kena spend time with them before kahwin.
And Irene pun nanti nak balik Yaman dah, sooo i MUST see her before she off to Yaman.
The reason why I said Shout! Awards was boring because LAMA TERSANGATLAH.
Satu Award satu performance, Omigod end of the show the artistes dah start balik and nampak empty.
So kesian when it comes to the big award almost half of them dah balik.
Maybe to those yang baru nak pergi these kind of events enjoyed la but for us "Yawn-ing please"!
After Shout! Awards we girls went to ss2 for late dinner.
*To moi girls, Thank You so much for being the best best girlfriends ever. 8-1-1 rocks my braaaah*

Now I dengan Mr.Love tengah sibuk nak cari and beli rumah. At least lepas kahwin terus ada rumah kan.
We plan to buy a condo where we both can afford. Ala for newly married ok la kan.
Sebab nanti we plan nak beli lagi satu yang ada land and this condo boleh sewakan :)
Beli rumah banyak tak apa, banyak asset tak rugi :D
Last week we both pergi tengok rumah dekat Puchong, and we both like it.
The owner dah buat full renovation kat rumah tu and the place is so peaceful. Me like it!
Even the house a bit small but its ok for us, at least we own the house.
And we both strongly agree to buy the house, now sibuk nak buat loan semua.
Hopefully everything went well :)

Memory Training

Students? HAHAHA :D

My fight partner

I never change, still ol me Haseena.

Naz, Irene, Cacha

Nana, Atong, Seyna

Najwa on the stage yaww! Got to gooooo :)

Kiss you back Tongtong, Thank you for your support since back then. I know I can always count on you.

Housemates, + Ayu(not in the picca)

My twin, 20 March 1986

I heart my Senget!

Me with gorgeous Irene

Living Room

Im so grateful being with you and always proud of you sayang.

Semoga segala dugaan dan ujian dapat kami tempuhi dengan tenang. Amin :)

Hugs&Kisses, Seyna.

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