Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kak Mai's Akad Nikah

On 1st of January 2011, my dear Kak Mai just got stoled by this guy, Dr Fahmi :)
Tapi yang kelakarnya, pasal balik lambat the night before, I terlambat bangun.
Nad asked me to go to her place at 730am but I woke up at 830am. Tak kelakar ok!
Yand pun sama bangun 830am jugakk! HAHA :D sumpah kelam kabut we all pagi tu.
Call Nad and bagitau yang we all terus jumpa kat Masjid Besi Putrajaya.
I went with Yand, Hee :D theres something funny happened pasal Yand.

We arrived around 915am, luckily Nad & family pun bangun lambat 730am baru bangun.
Maybe semua penat preparation. Oh FYI Kak Mai is Nad's eldest sister, Dr.Siti Maisarah Nasir.
In the car I told Yand that Kak Liyana ada jugak nanti, and he said mana adaaa!
Nad cakap takde...
Hehehe. Kak Liyana is Nad's cousin a.k.a Yand's ex girlfriend. Kekekekeke:D
The reason why Nad tak nak bagitau is because she tak nak you tak datang, dah la you bestman! doink!

When we arrived, Yand nampak Kak Liyana and Kak Liyana nampak Yand 2 2 dah awkward :D
Kelakarrrrr sangat ok! Im one of gadis pembawa dulang for that day cause im very close with her family.
Both Kak Mai & Nad are my goodfriends so thats why I have to be there no matter what.
So yeah, time nikah Kak Mai asked me to sit besides her, She looks stunning! pretty sangat!
And yes, I cried out loud the time she became someone's wife. Kak Mai I LOVE you sangat!
And semoga berkekalan and happy selalu :D
I remembered those days we always hangout and had so much fun together.
You will always be my kakak, and always love and miss you.
Im totally HAPPY for you sister!!

Oh I will update her reception pretty soon cause the pictures is in Luth's laptop.
Her reception on the same date 01012011, at Equatorial Bangi.
There's a lot of pretty picca :) But for time being I put her majlis akad nikah's picca :)

Dr Siti Maisarah Nasir

Aunty Asmah, Kak Mai's Mama

Ahmad, lil brother - he was cried and hugged her sis like 5 mins. so touched!

Nad, Ahmad & Me

Dr Maisarah & Dr Fahmi :)

Bestie since 7 1/2 years and still counting

Heart you muchos!

Yand memang suka buat orang tertanya tanya kat fb dia

Me, Kak Mai, Dito & Yand
Awww so sweet! Yand & Kak Liyana :D

Much love, C-na.

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